There is nothing more fun than going for a mani-pedi with your friends. For your horse, a mani-pedi can actually be beneficial to their health, especially in the fall and springtime when the combination of wet weather and changing temperatures can see dangerous microbes thrive. At these times, horses may be at risk of picking up a nasty fungus or bacterial infection on their hooves which can cause deterioration of the hoof and pain when standing or walking. To help prevent these issues we recommend a microbe-busting natural hoof soak.
Start with prevention
The best thing to do to prevent these types of infections is to provide regular care for your horse’s hooves during grooming. Start by thoroughly cleaning the hooves with Kiss A Frog Foot Wash. Then add a barrier of protection with our hoof moisturizer Jojoba Hoof Moisturizing Mist. Problems can also be prevented with a combination of a healthy diet and hoof trimming. Talk to your veterinarian if there is a severe or recurring issue.
Natural hoof soaks
If you’ve found that your horse has developed an infection, a hoof soak is a great remedy. There are a lot of hoof soaks on the market made with harsh chemicals which do a great job of killing the microbes. However, you don’t want to just kill the microbes, you also need to promote the growth of new tissue. Not to mention you shouldn’t expose your horses to these harmful toxins.
Here are three natural alternatives:
Apple Cider Vinegar is a wonderful product that has many uses. It is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and is loaded with amino acids that promote tissue regrowth. Mix one-quarter cup of vinegar to one gallon of water. In extreme cases, you can mix 1 cup to one gallon. I always recommend building up to stronger mixtures though.
Tea Tree Essential Oi is also a strong anti-microbial and can help relieve some of the pain of hoof deterioration. Mix 12 drops of tea tree oil with 1 cup of water.
Oregano Essential Oil offers the same benefits as tea tree oil. It’s a little milder smelling, so it’s a great option if your horse doesn’t approve of tea tree oil. Mix 12 drops of with one cup of water.
You can also try mixing the essential oils with vinegar and see how that works. To soak your horse’s hooves you can use a soaking boot or if you can get them to stay still a bucket will work. Soak for 20 minutes to see how your horse reacts. If you need, you can increase the soaking time to 30 minutes.