Essential for a Healthy Hoof.
Wet conditions in the spring and fall provide breeding grounds for thrush, Mud Fever and softening of the sole.
Kiss A Frog helps protect the area underneath the hoof and around the frog
Spray daily to help keep hoof-area clean and protected.
16oz spray bottle.
Made in the heartland of the USA!
Hoof and Sole Products
There is a saying “no hoof no horse”. Its true. Hoofs area the part of the horse that bears all the weight, stress, concussion, from the movements of the horse.
I was asked by friends and customers to create products specifically for the hoof and sole. They explained their issues with their particular horses and what they wanted as far as performance and qualities of hoof products.
The 2 biggest issues were dry cracked hoofs and thrush.
I created Jojoba Hoof Mist and Kiss A Frog foot wash
Hoof care: Regular professional trimming, a healthy diet and daily cleaning are key and the foundation of a healthy foot.
To prevent drying out and cracking of the hoof , along with the practices above, you need to moisturize it and make sure the frog is health
Kiss A Frog. Strange name unless you are a horse person! We realize how important that frog area is. The directions advise to pick out the sole area and spray daily to clean and protect the frog. I had one episode of Thrush on one horse in 20 years of owning horses. I actually soaked cotton with Kiss a Frog and packed the sole area around the frog and covered the food with a boot, repeated every day for 3 days and it cleared up.
Thin liquid with pleasant herbal aroma. Very gentle, will not dry tissues. Effective for mild cases of thrush. Easy-to-use preventative for horses prone to this problem.
-Horse Journal
Mary Gardinier (verified owner) –
Maybe putting this in a squirt bottle would be an option. The sprayer trigger is hard to use with one hand and hold the hoof at the same time.
Lori Y. (verified owner) –
wonderful for those of us that live in a often wet environment.
Linda Pearson (verified owner) –
Since using Equi-Spa products, I and all my horses are completely spoiled and have absolutely no desire to use any other companies products. My horses have spoken and they all agree, Equi-Spa rocks!!!
Wendy Holloway (verified owner) –