Not So Sweet Itch Gel Formula

(7 customer reviews)


Eliminate mane and tail rubbing.

Soothes and moisturizes the skin and hair
Reduces rubbing due to dry itchy skin
Promotes healing and new hair growth

Same great Not So Sweet Itch ingredients blended into soothing organic aloe vera.

Designed for horses sensitive to sprays and hard to reach areas.

SKU: NSSI-GEL-080 Category: Tags: , ,


This blend of soothing witch-hazel and pure essential oils provides quick relief dry and itchy skin, while natural plant extracts and moisturizing coconut oil promote  new hair growth.

Gentle enough for sensitive areas.

Apply around the dock of the tail, or anywhere  there is dry itchy skin or evidence of rubbing. Softly brush or sponge into the skin.

Not So Sweet Itch Gel Formula features the same great ingredients as Not So Sweet Itch, blended in soothing organic aloe vera gel.

Some horses are sensitive to sprays, especially around the face. Some areas are difficult to spray (midline belly area) and this is why I developed Not So Sweet Formula in a gel formula.

8oz squeeze bottle.

Made in the heartland of the USA!

Not So Sweet Itch Products

This collection of products are made to help provide relief from the itching and dry skin caused by  biting summer pests know as Midges or No-See-Umms.

Many horses are sensitive to these pests.  Some are so sensitive that hives are present, some have rubbed areas to the point hair loss, and some have rubbed to the point creating painful raw areas.

Not So Sweet Itch Products are formulated with aloe, MCT oil, and Witch hazel blended with essential oils that work to calm and moisturize the area ,allowing the body to balance and heal naturally.

These products do not cure the issue.  They only allow the body to heal itself.  The relief from the healing compounds of the essential and carrier oils last about 8 – 12 hours.  I apply daily on my horses who are sensitive.

Not so sweet Itch Gel

  • This is formulated for areas where spraying might be less appropriate, like the face.
  • It can be used on top of the spray for extra protection
  • Recommended for areas that indicate rubbing to the point of abrasion or hives as it is super soothing