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Easy Steps For Natural Horse Hoof Care

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As the weather turns to wet and wintry it becomes increasingly important to pay attention to your horse’s hooves. Hooves are extremely sensitive and very vulnerable to injury, illness, and infection. Taking good care of the hooves helps to protect your horse from health issues while letting them lead a happy and active life. Here are some easy steps you can take every day to ensure their hoof health is supported.

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Fear the Little Bay Mare – The Clinicians

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Not long ago I told the story of my mare Petie, who has been my almost constant companion throughout my journey as a dressage competitor and trainer. In the first part, I wrote about Petie’s graceful and gentle nature which made her nervous and easily spooked.

In this post I’ll tell you about three important clinicians who were able to see the cause of her troubles (Spoiler alert! It wasn’t anything wrong with Petie), and more importantly saw more potential in her than, at the time, I ever could.

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Choosing the Right Trainer

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Through the years, I’ve had potential clients come into my barn and they have war stories. How the last barn manager/trainer/instructor did them wrong. Usually I consider this a warning sign. First, the person may have a chip on their shoulder. Second, she may honestly have a difficult horse that each new trainer or barn was expected to magically fix. Third, she may be the owner-expert who has never been in the trenches, trying to do their best dealing with clients, long difficult days, and the unpredictability of horses. Horses get sick or injured and sometimes, God forbid, even die, no matter how well they were managed. Most of the horse professionals I know really try to do a good job.

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