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Adopt Effective Habits of Expert Horse Groomers For Best Results

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Do you ever wonder how expert horse groomers achieve great results? Well, having witnessed and worked with a few amazing horse groomers, I can tell you that great groomers are not born but they are made through consistency, technique, and by using the right products. If you want to achieve similar results, even as a novice groomer, I recommend these top habits. By replicating their ways, you too can achieve expert quality horse grooming. Continue reading Adopt Effective Habits of Expert Horse Groomers For Best Results

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Professional Grooming Tips and Tricks for a Beautiful and Healthy Horse

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We all have a routine we use when we groom our horse, but many of us are left wondering why our horse’s coat, mane, and tail don’t ever look as wonderful and healthy as we would like them to. We spend lots of time putting work in, but are never fully satisfied with the results. Many times, we find ourselves asking: what’s missing? Continue reading Professional Grooming Tips and Tricks for a Beautiful and Healthy Horse