You have all seen the pictures, and read the stories detailing the abuse, neglect and abandonment of innocent animals. When ads for the Humane Society come on TV, I cannot watch. Same with any other of the numerous shelter ads that come in the mail, email, TV or sites like Facebook. It tears at my heart and makes me reach for my wallet or check my paypal account to see how much I can spare that month.
Equi-Spa, LLC has, from the beginning, donated a portion of profits to various horse rescues. The amount and type vary with each instance. I Believe that any business involved in this industry should be responsible for supporting the less fortunate of our industry.
Many times I will send products to use on special “projects” such as Grace. Grace came to the Strawberry Mountain Mustangs rescue www.strawberrymountainmustangs.com , with a body score of under 1. She is an aged mare over 20 and they considered putting her down. But her organs were still in good shape and she had some light in her eye that made the vet think that she may be saved. So Darla who operates the rescue started to work her magic to try and save this mare. I read about it on www.horseandman.com, a blog I follow daily (more about that later). I read how she had sores on her that could not heal and she was in such bad condition that she couldnt tolerate chemicals, not fly spray, not wormers not anything . I knew I could help. I sent Darla two products for Grace. A tub of The Balm to put on the numerous sore and raw spots on her body to keep the flies and insects from irritating them and keeping them from healing ; and Peppermint Summer Protection to keep insects off of the rest of her. Even my products which do not have any chemicals, only beneficial botanical extracts, had to be used in small amounts. But finally they started to see the sores heal and Grace was able to tolerate the spray. Grace was under 300 pounds when she came to the shelter, she is now the correct weight and a body score of 6! I continue to support Strawberry Mountain Mustangs when they have a need I can fill. update: Grace just passed away…mostly from old age and the stress her body went through before she was rescued. She lived her final months surrounded by love with plenty to eat and warm shelter. She has crossed rainbow bridge.
Horseandman.com is my new source for determining where I put my resources to work for rescue. Dawn Harrison writes this blog every single day. I look forward to reading the interesting articles about all things that relate horses and humans. Every month Dawn finds a project to raise money for funding a special needs horse or situations. This has been my compass on how to help in some small way a variety of horses with special needs. The amount I am able to give depends on the amount of sales I have. I have no set percentage of profits. I follow my heart and my instinct on what I should give.
For the past 3 months I donated the shipping fees paid by customers who ordered from my site to support the bucket fund on Horseandman.com. This has been a very effective program for developing the funds for the rescues featured each month. It is a win win for everyone.
We have helped a great granddaughter of Native Dancer…who won 6 figures on the track and produced many many babies for her owners…who, when she stopped breeding, stopped feeding her. Yes she was nearly starved to death.
We have helped the Junkyard 4…Horses that were neglected and starved by their owner….(are you ready for this)….who was a HAY BROKER!!! GRRR…
Recently we helped raise 1000.00 in one day to help orphaned foals at the kill pen get rescued. You should really go to horseandman.com and read about the wonderful work Dawn does of writing informative articles and the big spotlight she shines on the need for caring for the unfortunate in the horse industry, exposing the dark, murky underside .
So I just want to thank you for helping with these projects by doing what you have been doing for years…using EquiSpa products and buying from the site. We are creating some good karma together and can feel good about the good we are doing.
Sherri you should put us on your page for helping rescues. We are going to be featured on FarmHer this Friday on EFF tv at 8:30pm. We have rescued 17 m ustangs from the largest seizure ever in North America. They seized 903 horses. One of my Mustangs are going to be in Carrisa Cowmans presentation at the horse fair.
Deb you have read my mind. We are developing a page for the site in support of horse rescues. We are discussing the format, and inclusion. You would certainly be included Deb. I would’nt have my Tony Pony if it wasn’t for you! I have always been a supporter of yours in spirit and in deed. I want to maintain that relationship. Thank you for checking out the site and commenting. I will message you with some other Ideas I have for you. Congrats on TV coverage of your efforts! I am hoping to see your mustang at the horse fair