I am very proud and so excited to announce that we have a brand new, beautiful website. Our new site will make it easier for you to find Equi-Spa horse-care products, especially on mobile devices. Also Equi-Spa products are now available on Amazon, providing you with even more shopping options!
Over the next few months we will be stepping up our presence on social media with more frequent posts, informing you of special offers and some exciting give-a-way events! We also have some new and exciting products in development for later this year.
I often think back to when I first launched Equi-Spa in 2003. I had to overcome many challenges and each one created opportunities to grow. I am so happy with the small business I have built. The frequent feedback and positive comments I receive about how Equi-Spa horse-care products, have improved the lives of you and your horses give me constant joy.
Over the years so much has changed in the online world. Shopping on your smartphone and “Social Media” have grown from a concept to an almost necessary way of life. The new website is easy to use on any device, AND you will have more ways to interact with us beyond email including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We also encourage you to leave reviews on the website where they will be prominently displayed. You can leave comments on our blog, which will now be updated frequently providing useful horse-care tips and sharing articles of interest. We also invite you to submit pictures of your Equi-Spa horses for our online Gallery.
The coming months will be exciting times, that will see Equi-Spa grow and expand. As long time visitors we strongly value your feedback and suggestions. Please feel free to leave your comments below or send them to our new email address, info [at] equispa [dot] com. You can also reach out to us on social media.
I’ve been using your products from the very beginning, and they’re simply the best! Everyone in the barn knows when my daughter and I are there, because they can smell the beautiful smells of Equispa products. I recently purchased some products and had them sent to the horse owner we were staying with in Arizona, and you have a new fan!
I’m so excited for you and the growth of your company, Sherie. EVERYONE should use Equispa!
Jill, thank you for your years of loyalty, friendship and being EquiSpa’s top Fan!! Send me some pics of your horses and we will add them to the gallery.
My horses and I have enjoyed your product for years. They not only smell wonderful, they really work. Some natural (and not so natural) product lines tend to have moderate to no efficacy but Equispa has continuously excelled. So happy for you and look forward to my horses and I enjoying your products for years to come.
Thank you! You have been so supportive of Equi-Spa ♡♡♡
This is really helpful, thanks.