Equi-Spa recommends cleaning your horses sheath twice a year, Spring and Fall. Spring cleaning is necessary because during the cold winter male horses do not like to drop all the way, so natural cleansing is limited. As responsible horse owners we like to start the winter with clean sheaths for the same reason, so a Fall cleaning is recommended.
Udders should be cleaned as needed and that is more often than you might think. Mares get build up from sweat, rolling in the dirt, and just natural excretion that can build up in the udder area. It can get very itchy and uncomfortable for them and they really appreciate a little help keeping that area clean.
Equi-Spa Sheath and Udder cleaner is made with all botanical ingredients and contains no soap. It naturally dissolves dirt and debris that collect in the sheath and udder area while protecting the sheath and udders from fungal infections and irritation.
Here are some simple steps to a clean sheath and udder and a happy horse!
1. Gather your cleaning and grooming tools. Vinyl gloves, small sponges, or towels, a bucket of warm clean water and maybe a cookie.
2. Put on your Vinyl gloves . Vinyl is recommended are because some horses may be sensitive to latex, Gloves are to protect your hands.
3. Apply a generous amount Of EquiSpa Sheath and Udder cleaner on your gloved hand and slather all over the udder area including the crevice between the teats.
4. Allow the product to set for 3 or 4 minutes while you maybe treat her to a good brushing.
5. Use your gloved hands to gently pull away any smegma or debris that may be sticking to the udders
6. Rinse lightly to remove the dissolved dirt and debris remaining. If needed you can repeat the process for any stubborn sticky debris. You may also just leave a light coating of the Sheath and Udder cleaner behind to moisturize and soothe the area.
Mares usually really enjoy this task and will show their appreciation. This will also be helpful for mares who are weaning foals as it helps soothe that area.
Sheath cleaning is a bit more complicated. You will use the same tools as with udder cleaning.
1. Carefully and gently ask the horse to “drop” for cleaning. If you have trained them ahead of time for this task it makes it much easier to keep them clean. For a first effort at cleaning a particular horses sheath, proceed with caution as they may be nervous and protective of that area. Test it by touching around the underside to see how they react. If they are nervous you might try a little airborn aromatherapy with a nebulizing diffuser and a little lavender essential oil.
2. Gently pour a generous amount of cleaner on your gloved hand and if they have dropped slather all over the shaft. If they have not dropped, you will need to carefully apply the product up inside the sheath, paying careful attention to the inside walls all the way back using plenty of product. The more the better. You want it very slippery.
3. Using your pinky (or a cotton swab with sheath cleaner on it), carefully and gently check inside the rim of the urethra for “beans”, which are chunks of smegma that can become lodged there and remove them. This is very important. You can also tell if they have “beans” blocking their urethra if you notice that their urine stream “splits” instead of being a single narrow stream. If you cannot remove them call your vet to come and remove them for you.
4. Making sure that the whole sheath and shaft is generously covered with Sheath Cleaner, allow it to set for 5 to 10 minutes . I have left sheath cleaner set while I did a short ride. Be sure to treat him to a good brushing while waiting for the Sheath Cleaner to work
5. Rinse with warm water and sponge on the outside to remove dissolved dirt and debris. Try to rinse the inside with your gloved hand. You can repeat this process for an especially dirty sheath. Also you do not have to worry if all the product is not completely rinsed out as it will not irritate the sheath and will help keep it healthy.
I cannot state enough to be careful with young or inexperienced horses while sheath and udder cleaning. Once they get used to it they usually become completely compliant and very relieved.
It you have any questions or tips of your own, please post them in the comments below. Also click the image below to download or share it on social media so that you can reference it in the future.
This product works great!
Very nice article! So many ideas!
These are great tips! Thanks!!
What if your mare doesn’t like that area being touched
well you do have be a little gentle and get her comfortable being touched there a little bit at a time. I start them off with gentle touch and gradually add the sheatn and udder cleaner. Let it sit untill i softens the build up in the udder and gentley remove it and have patience. give your mare a treat for being a good girl every time you do something new