Human-tested, horse-approved is something you will often hear or read associated with Equi-Spa products, it’s one of our marketing slogans, but more importantly it’s something that speaks to the entire philosophy of how we develop our products.
At the fundamental level Equi-Spa is about ensuring the safety and well-being of horses. We avoid chemical ingredients to reduce the exposure of our horses to unknown side-effects, we choose all-natural ingredients that have been proven for centuries to be safe and effective, and we don’t use artificial fragrances and preservatives to eliminate unnecessary contaminants in the horses’ environment.
How I develop my formulas
All Equi-Spa products start out of necessity, either as something I need to care for my own horses, or at the request of friends or customers. As a trained aromatherapist I use my 20+ years of experience and research to select candidate ingredients that will be effective, and then I try out the mixtures on myself to make sure they don’t cause any reaction or sensitivity to myself or my family.
The next step is using the potential new product on myself before I go out to handle and interact with my own horses, and carefully observing for any distress or discomfort these trace amounts on my person may be causing to the animals.
Only after a slow and careful introduction in this way do I then seek the ‘approval’ of my horses to try the new formula on them. This is the basis for ‘Human-tested, horse-approved’. After extensive testing on my own horses, I then pass the product to trusted friends and family who I know will follow these precautions on their own horses, and confirm the safety of the product on a larger sample. Once we have taken all these careful steps, we then start extended trials to get feedback from a larger sample of horses and owners.
Thanks to these precautions we can ensure that every Equi-Spa product has been developed safely and ethically.
Natural ingredients you can trust
From day one, it was really important to me that I only ever use simple, natural ingredients in my horse-care formulas. I’ve worked hard to create and test these formulas and I don’t want them to become diluted or lose their effectiveness because of added ingredients. We constantly monitor our suppliers and manufacturers to ensure they meet rigorous quality standards.
Thanks to all these steps and controls, I can confidently say that Equi-Spa products are effective, ethical and safe. This is important to me and my company, because at the end of the day I would never use a product on my horses that I wouldn’t trust for myself, and I wouldn’t expect you to either.
What steps do you take to ensure the grooming products you use are safe? Please share in the comments below.
selection of products could save a long search through the feed store
love that its human tested first.