There are very few things in this world more magnificent than a precision groomed show horse. The shimmer of their coat, the flash of light off their tail, and their silky mane flowing in the wind. To create the same amazing results with grooming routine, try these products from Equi-Spa.
Start with proper bathing
Grooming starts with bathing. You need to be careful not to over-bathe your horse because it can deplete their coat, mane, and tail of natural oils. Not So Sweet Itch Body Wash was specifically formulated to add moisture with a blend of essential oils, to not only help nourish the hair follicles, but also ensure you aren’t depleting their skin of natural oils.
Next, you’ll want to add Showcoat Leave In Conditioner to the coat, tail, and mane. Made without silicone which can block pores, this conditioner does not need to be rinsed off. Simply brush into the coat, mane and tail to help fight tangles and strengthen hair follicles.
Daily maintenance
Between baths, there are some things you can do daily to maintain a fresh coat and shine. First, use Grapefruit Coat Refresh to quickly spot-clean dirt, muck or green spots from your horse’s coat on days when you don’t have time for a full wash.
Finally, to maintain a tangle-free mane and tail apply products from the Fairy Tails line. For most horses Fairy Tails Spray works great. But if you or your horse don’t like sprays, then use Fairy Tails Gel. For a premium shine on show-day or other special occasions, then Fairy Tails Orchid Oil Gloss is the way to go.
This simple routine will ensure that your horse always looks show ready, even a week after bathing. I also recommend massage and brushing routinely because it can help stimulate natural oil production.
If you want more grooming tips or have questions about which Equi-Spa product is best for your horse please post in the comments below.
I would love to try the Grapefruit Coat Refresh.
Very informative.
Thank you
I think the Gel version would work better for us, ours doesn’t like any sprays.
Very nice!
Thanks for the great tips!
We spend so much of our time and money grooming ourselves. It’s important to put that much effort on grooming our horses.
Thanks for the daily maintenance tips