Winterset, Iowa, March 31, 2019 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) Equi-Spa®, the leading maker of premium, all-natural horse care and equine grooming products based in Winterset, Iowa, announced today that it recently adopted a retired thoroughbred race horse in cooperation with the Neigh Savers Foundation. The plan is to provide this fabulous creature a “forever home” where she can live comfortably and with dignity for the rest of her life.
Known by her race name, MS. Olympio, (Missy) is a special horse born into a long line of successful racers. She descends from Something Royal, mother to the legendary Secretariat. Missy was born in 2003 and made eleven starts on the race track, of which she earned two wins, and finished on the podium on four occasions. Missy retired in 2011 to become a brood mare.
This past January, Neigh Savers, a non-profit organization that specializes in the rescue, care and adoption of horses that are struggling to find proper care in a suitable environment, reached out to Equi-Spa®, looking for help finding a quality retirement home for Missy. Instead, Sherie Vermeer, owner and creator of Equi-Spa®, decided to adopt the horse and bring her permanently to the Equi-Spa® ranch in Iowa.
“I am not sure why, but I was immediately struck by Missy,” said Sherie. “I love older horses and have plenty of room in my own barn for her.” she stated.
Missy’s journey from champion to falling on hard times, is sadly a reality many working horses face as they move beyond their working life. Neigh Savers seeks to create new beginnings for these horses through retraining to allow them to successfully transition to a new career. Or, as in case for older horse like Missy, simply finding a caring home where they can retire in comfort. Since its inception in 2007, Neigh Savers has improved the lives of nearly 600 horses.
Equi-Spa® has always believed in giving back to the horse industry and helping horses in need through select rescue services and other qualified horse care providers such as Neigh Savers and the Horse and Man Foundation. We encourage anyone who has the ability and passion for horses in need to please support these worthy causes. For the month of April 2019 we will be holding a fundraising sale for Neigh Savers. All Equi-Spa® products will be 20% off, and 10% of all profits for the month will be donated to the charity.
In addition, to celebrate and welcome Missy to the family, Equi-Spa® will hold a huge giveaway to raffle away a valuable gift to one lucky winner.
I love how Equi-Spa helps out horses in need. We need more companies like you guys! A huge Thank You.
Thank you for helping the horses
thanks for the support
I am glad they retire to good places
What a wonderful cause! The horse is lucky to have you!
I love how they help the horses in need!! Ty
How fantastic this is!
A company that gives back is always the best one. Thanks for doing this!
love it
Lucky 🍀 To Have Companies Like Yours! You Really Care!
This is so sweet!(:
This is a great cause, Thanks
Nice horse
Way to go Ms. Olympio
Beautiful story
Sounds like it would really help
Wow wow wow
It’s so good to see that Missy found a great home! I am sure she is as happy as Sheri! Awesome!
I am so pleased too see that these beautiful beauties get to retire with honour and respect.
So awesome
What a great cause! Kudos to you all for your great work.
love Horse
Such a great cause!
So lovely x
Very very nice!
That is so wonderful to help these beautiful animals.
great story
Interesting story. Thanks for sharing
This warms my heart!
Inspiring 🙂
That is such a great cause. Thank you.
Thank you so much for doing this. I love you for it! 😊
thanks for sharing, a worthy cause xx
Horses !!!! 🙂
Great all natural products.
Love it !!!
Great article
Super article, merci
I’m glad there are organizations for horses that are no longer needed. Thank you for supporting the horses.
Love this. Living in Kentucky, there are a lot of retired race horses that need great homes.
Keep up the great work! Horses are my favorite animal and I love ready about “life after career” opportunities.
Too bad most cities do not allow “farm” animals, although it is not perhaps a good environment for these majestic beasts. As transportation, they are far superior to automobiles whether gas, electric or hybrid.
I would have enjoyed doing something like this as well. My sister that probably loves horses more than I do and has lupus isn’t in the best of help because of the lupus and had several broken bones from the horses we had. A normal person like myself would not have had the broken bones like my sister therefore I felt it best to find a loving home for our horses because my sisters health was of it most importance, though it wasn’t easy. But I am glad to learn about all the good, and not only in products, that you do.
Thank you for all you do for retired and older horses. Missy is blessed that you adopted her.
That was a very thoughtful and awesome thing you did. May u b Blessed for I’m sure being a Blessing to n for the horse.
I really wish there were more people and organizations in this world like you and yours. This is such a wonderful thing you did for these animals. Thank you for all that you do and please continue to keep up the amazing work!
Such lively creatures deserve a good life
so nice to s that they are being taken care of after retirement
I loved the article. Thank you for sharing.
Grateful for organizations like this to enable a longer life for competitive horses
I am so glad there are groups like Equi-spa to save these horses
Simply lovely. Bless y’all
how awesome!
Aww, what a great story. I wish all retired race horses could be so lucky.
Nice alternative to putting an abused animal down. These horses are a wonderful animal
What a great cause!
Great read!
A happy horse is a happy family.
Thank you for your help!
so good to hear people care. thanks
Goodness is not lost yet!
nice too 😉
Beautiful Love it
Thank you for all the work you do
Poor horses… makes me feel a little bit better knowing people like us are out there.
love and protection!
So Beautiful💓💓💓💓
Love this post! I love hearing that people care
Horses should not be out out of pasture because they are useless this organization should be commended for their caring.
thnx for the informative article
Love to hear how they’re giving back!
Oh who doesn’t love a giveaway!!!
It is so special that this horse has a place top go to that she will be taken care of!
So needed! Thank you!
Good one
Wonderful work!
I love this, God bless them all. Thank you for giving them great homes
Awesome work!
god bless thank you for helping
What a lovely initiative!
Good initiative
If horses could talk – “humans, can’t live with ’em, can’t (in non-field environments) live without ’em “!! They deserve to be treated w/respect! Sincerely Randy.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Equi-Spa is wonderful! And a great story about Missy. This story brought back a memory from when I was a kid and we were going for drive way out in the country. We happenstanced upon a stable and I wanted to go for a horseback ride. I should have felt warned when one of the horses bucked the gal off while waiting for the trail. I was considered experienced and found out later they were ex-race horses. My horse and another got into the “groove” and went crazy on the trail trying to beat each other, beyond galloping, a wild ride, there was no stopping them. I guess it is in their blood, if they can still take off like a bullet.
nice, wonderful
What a wonderful company.
Ms. Olympio is absolutely beautiful.
Great cause you donate too !! Makes me want to support your products more!
love a giveaway
I’m so glad Missy found a good home! I absolutely love the fact that Equispa helps horses in need! This is so amazing!
It restores your faith there are good places out there and good people.
Amazing ☺
Thank you for taking care of these animals. They become friends then family with the right care.
Great story and I love that it comes from so close to my home, I am in the Des Moines area!
Love it
How kind, thoughtful and generous.
I love that you help horses. This is a really good cause.
What a great cause!
Aww such a great cause. So lovely to see someone helping retired race horses.
Such an amazing cause, glad I read about this!
Ive been looking into adopting a OTTB
Absolutely love this
love this story and so happy Missy was adopted into a loving home and environment!! Thank you
Such a great cause!
A wonderful story….I love your work….I am a foster carer for a rescue organisation and it always great to see those who have been written off get a chance to live again
This is a great post. Horses are such beautiful creatures.
This is a great story, thank you
I am thrilled that the horses still know and feel loved through the end.
So glad to see theirs a nice life after racing for these beautiful horses, lovely to see them enjoy their lives after racing!
That is outstanding! That beautiful animal will be able to live out her life in a beautiful and happy place where she will truly be loved and appreciated and well taken care of.
How exciting and inspiring too!
I am so glad they have rescues for horses.
Great awesome
how awesome!
how awesome very nice
looks like you do excellent work, need more places like this, if people can’t look after them
My friend rescues greyhounds. This is much bigger.
I Love That the company cares enough to give back and help others
Good to see them looked after.
Great that you are helping these horses continue doing what you do 👍
What a wonderful program. Beautiful horses. Wonderful product and I love the fact of giving and caring for the horses is heartwarming.
This is so heart warming and I’m so glad to hear Missy’s story. What a great organization, Equi-Spa is wonderful! Love hearing how you gave this horse a home.